Saturday, 29 September 2012

Relevance of Chanakyanism in 21st Century

One question which is regularly asked and which must come to the mind of anyone seriously studying Chanakya is: why to study Arthashastra or what is the relevance of Chanakyanism is in the 21st century. After all Chanakyanism and Arthashastra are more than 2300 years old. The treatise itself is written in Sanskrit which is the language of antiquity and rather tedious and difficult to understand.
In order to answer this question we must understand the life and times of Chanakya, the changes which they saw and the forces which shaped them.

Acharya Vishnu Gupta or Kautilya or Chanakya as most of us know him was born in an era of radical changes and massive political upheavals. It was an era which saw the invasion of India by Alexander the Great, Destruction of the old political order by Nanda Empire, the rise of Buddhism and Jainism and their conflict with Vedic religion and finally the unprecedented rise of Chandragupta Maurya.

The times we are living through are also witnessing swift changes. Globalization and the information revolution are changing the dynamics of business and economy on an unprecedented scale. The power centers of the global economy are slowly shifting back to Asia. Power itself is getting more and more democratized. From Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street to Anna Hazare movement in India, it's an era of radical changes.

However what has not changed is the human nature. Human nature is as twisted and unpredictable as it was 2300 years ago. Men are still ruled by hedonism and desires of erotic and fantasy. Religion and superstition are still the best tools to fool and enslave the masses. Money not morality continues to be the prime commerce of the elite. Kings are still there – we just call them Ministers and CEOs. Aggression is still there, it has simply morphed into more sublime forms. On the top technology has advanced but at the bottom, Human Nature is same, the human soul is still black and selfish.

Arthashastra or Chanakyanism in general is an honest acceptance of this unethical element of Human Nature. It is in fact beyond ethics and morality .The overall approach is pragmatic, practical and aimed at acquiring and maintaining power and material wealth. Unlike the ideals of the Ramayana and Ahimsa of Jainism – Chanakyanism is sheer pragmatism. It does not concentrate on any abstract moral values, but focuses upon how people behave and what strategies work in actual practice.

As a treatise, Arthashastra is a tailor made advice for Kings in an era of opportunism. Interestingly the current environment where the old order is being eroded by the forces of technology and social change, the avenues to practice this opportunism are everywhere. Arthashastra is thus the treatise for our times.